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  War is war and it is something highly impersonal. But White renegades, be they government officials or plain bleeding hearts, are another matter. We must swear an oath to ourselves now - while we're down, while things are tough, while the Enemy is in full power, while the vile race-mixers daily promenade openly in public protected by this evil System, now while it is easy to HATE - that for the United States there will be no need for concentration camps of any kind, for not a single transgressor will survive long enough to make it to that kind of haven.

  [Vol. IX, #6- Oct., 1980]

  Helter Skelter Is Coming Down

  But while membership and support for the traditional Movement has just about died, look what has been born in just the past year or so! To call it the "Movement" or to call it the "Right" would be a bad misnomer. From the forces favoring Life itself there has begun an assault, not just in the United States but in Europe as well. Not more parliamentary garbage which plays by Master's rules but armed assault! A few of the more aspiring attempts were frustrated but, as we have said, only because they were first, infant steps. Others will follow and will succeed. Those which have been the most uniformly successful have been the one-on-one, gut, animal-level encounters. Encounters one might well, only a few years ago, have ascribed as peculiar to the jungle.

  The System's "Justice Department" announced that it has fourteen major U.S. metropolitan areas under surveillance by what is referred to as a "Community Relations Service". It means that one, at least, of the milestones we set for the scenario immediately preceding a revolution has arrived: when the System can no longer pay billions in tribute to the millions of savages in its cities, then we might look for some action. The means by which the System hopes to prevent this from happening lies in their trying to "re-direct" violence or, in other words, defuse the bomb. The main weapon they have to do this with is the infiltration of both sides of the radical sphere. Black and White, and using the infiltrators to screw things up. Is this not what we have been reading about so often lately? But problem upon problem will compound for the Big Brother System and the time will soon come when, first, he has trouble paying enough pimps to keep the revolutionary movement from climbing to its feet and, second, the time is going to come when few individuals will want to take that kind of chance - for any money - once infiltrators start being killed as soon as they are uncovered. The elements, already in motion and proceeding at the same pace along routes destined to converge at some future date, will come together suddenly.

  This year it was reported in the System's media that 1980 saw no fewer than nine major riots in large U.S. cities. But during 1980 I recall only one riot - Miami reported as such by the media. Sometimes it's difficult to tell exactly how far along things actually are at any given moment because of the controlled media. Big Brother will never allow Dan Rather to report that he is hanging on the ropes by his eyelids. Look at the situation in Britain . When that occurs on a comparative scale here it will mean the END OF THE SYSTEM! Media reports indicated only weeks ago that a dam was blown in New Jersey (already in critical shape for usable water) and resulted in the System's puppet-in-charge declaring a state of emergency. The balance the System maintains today is incredibly delicate and highly vulnerable to attack by just individuals. It isn't a case of kill or be killed, instead it is a matter of killing in preference to allowing Death to win by default.

  I believe that through past experience, by weighing in cause and effect, and by taking these incidents that have occurred over approximately the past year, we can estimate closely the time-table for the destruction of the System. The weakening of society, the increase in the number of those fighting for their life who step outside Master's rules, what the Blacks can be expected to do, almost universal apathy all the way to hostility toward the System among the masses, etc., will increase until the current balance becomes absolutely untenable. That's when all bets will be canceled, the gloves will come off, and Helter Skelter will commence.

  Those already dead in the Jew's money, and especially those now exercising power through the Jew's money, will fall like flies when, first, the System can no longer maintain artificially - as it now does - the hellish, unnatural life-support of the megalopolis which contain the bulk of the genetic morass and the clonish, zombie-like lost "Whites", and, second, with the money-weapon having evaporated into thin air from their hands, the sold-out politicians and pigs become fair game for a population bent on bloodglut.

  Those who own the show today will go to their reward wondering why and how this could happen to them, how the tables could have turned so fast. The beginning is HERE and few recognize it. The end will be even more unexpected.

  [Vol. X, #8- Aug., 1981]

  Marked And Unmarked

  It is well to follow earlier segments with a word on how a truly revolutionary organization must be structured in order to be effective. Those of us having in our innocent youth been part of the "Mass Strategy" find ourselves now and forever marked in the catalogs of the FBI, CIA, and ADL, not to mention local police departments. Unless we as individuals decide in our own minds to disappear and slip underground alone to wage war against the System on what would probably be a one-way mission, we would be foolish to try to engage directly in Armed Struggle. To do so in spite of this truth for purposes of "proving" something to somebody falls directly in line with one of the key Zionist Protocols which states that the White Man's greatest undoing has been a willingness to sacrifice a larger goal for a smaller, momentary one. We have absolutely no intention of rushing into their waiting, open arms.

  And no, our new people WILL NOT be paraded out in the streets in useless "Phase One" antics for the convenience of the System's catalogers. Neither shall they all be monitored by post office checks of our mailings. Comrades of old - those of us already marked from years ago - who head the various cells around the country, will disseminate our propaganda person-to-person to those known only to themselves.

  Regarding "Phase Two vs. Reality", these new people must not deliberately or at anyone's behest cause themselves to be separated from the mainstream of White America either because of hairstyle, clothing, or any other stupid, narrow consideration. They must be able to move about freely, accepted and unnoticed by their fellows if they are to be effective. Far from going out of our way to effect an "invasion from Mars" with Prussian tactics and appearance, as seemed to be the goal in years past (blowing minds, etc.), we must effect a thorough INFILTRATION or at least be able to infiltrate at will whenever and wherever the situation calls for it.

  "Too many chiefs and no Indians" has basically been the problem of the past. Those who insisted most loudly upon being "chief" in the past usually turned out to be the least fit to hold the position. A true soldier simply understands his mission - or duty - and goes about doing it without fanfare. Being revolutionary soldiers we must do what we are ABLE to do and do WELL. We each have functions to fulfill. CIRCUMSTANCES - not wishful thinking - dictate these functions. As Joe Tommasi clearly stated, the leaders, the real "chiefs", are those actually DOING IT!

  And we of the old school have been severely limited by the past itself. The greatest field of opportunities lies open to the new-corners free of the hogwash, mistakes, and compromises of the past. However, one of the functions of the NSLF aboveground is to see to it that the revolution, once begun in earnest, is not betrayed. Let's start off on that road now.

  [Vol. IX, #5- Sept., 1980]

  Behold The Uncle Tom

  Recently we've seen two men of action brought to a halt by what are best referred to as White "Uncle Toms". I believe it was a nurse at a blood bank who "dime-dropped" on Joseph Franklin when she saw and recognized from reports of a distinctive tattoo on Franklin's forearm as he was selling blood. The System in Buffalo, N.Y. believes they now have the ".22 Killer" in custody after he was fingered by someone in Georgia he evidently thought he could confide in. These were not cases of infiltration but rather of carelessness playing into the hands of the countless mil
lions of "Uncle Toms" who are what this society is made up of.

  The Big Brother System of course operates as the "Master" with the Goyish, nominally "White" consumers serving as slaves - of which the vast bulk are dyed-in-the-wool "Uncle Tom" types. Both Franklin and the ".22 Killer" - or the "Great White Hope of Buffalo"- had it right and were encouraging at least in so far as they acted consistently alone which is what solely provided the extent of success and longevity they did enjoy. We cannot forget the effect these men have had on helping to break the conditioned, hot-house atmosphere and inject into the climate an air of revolution. NSLF knows that we must see the kind of society we are dealing with, understand it, and realize that it can't be changed unless and until the current order is done away with. Cognizant of all that, we then must make up our minds to proceed appropriately. Allowing that, both these men - heroes, actually - made the errors which undid them by taking too much for granted.

  As a Movement we cannot afford the same mistake twice. As individuals we can't afford it even once. We can state again and again, "Never deal with the police! ", but you and I already know that. It is rather the rest of the total population which does not know it and never will know it, not even when the police have become OUR police - they will never change their habits. Today the casual, citizen informant - the Uncle Tom - works terribly against us but tomorrow they will provide the greatest ease and benefit. It is their nature to bow, scrape, and try every means to ingratiate themselves with the "established authority" and to inform on those designated as "outlaws". Miserable unthinking swine. Today it is us, tomorrow it will be the race-mixers, etc. Until we establish ourselves as the ONLY authority, we must, as revolutionaries and realists, accept the bitter in anticipation of the sweet.

  It is a sad commentary on U.S. society when we compare to that of Northern Ireland . Not an informant in the bunch. And that struggle is White vs. White! Over here we face the most odious enemy - posing as a "government" - ever in history, plus a monstrous Black alien mass in our midst to be dealt with. Yet instead of Huey Long's concept of "Every Man a King", it is rather "Every Man an Uncle Tom". This armada of Uncle Toms is like unto the "better half" of the System Police State already long in existence. Even with their incredibly sophisticated, "1984" electronic surveillance techniques, the police simply could not function effectively without the citizenry working for Big Brother, against themselves. We could romp them if the Whites of the United States were what they ought to be. But they are not and never are they likely to be. Seeing we cannot change that, we must instead adapt out tactics accordingly.

  We must become acutely aware at all times of the most minute details around us, overlooking nothing, taking nothing for granted. We must rigidly discipline ourselves to never, ever, breathe a word about anything illegal to anyone, anytime - past, present, or future.


  [Vol. X, # 6 - June, 1981]

  Stupid People

  Stupid people are more dangerous than any time bomb.

  You'll find stupid people everywhere but let us confine ourselves to those within the Movement itself, those whom we must deal with on a regular basis. Those armies of idiots within the System bureaucracy stand backed-up and reinforced by so many replacements that errors of judgment on their part - which would otherwise prove fatal - are usually quickly caught and reversed before any real damage gets done. Often times they are caught and squelched before anyone not part of the bureaucracy even can take note of them. It gives the aura of invincibility but in fact provides for a deadly defect, in that everyone is depending on everyone else to carry things through. There are plenty of "sharpies" within the System but not the same kind as are found in revolutionary movements. Those that can do it all for themselves. The System needs their stupid people for errand boys, etc., while we just cannot afford their presence at all. With us, things must stand or fall with just you and I. And THAT is the basis of real responsibility.

  Regardless whether they are with you or against you, stupid people are equally disastrous to have around. It is easy for anyone to imagine how stupid people can foul up the best plan or program and defeat the efforts of dozens of good and prudent people with whom they have associated themselves. But it is less easily understood what it means to have fools for adversaries. Again, I emphasize that we are dealing within the limits of the Movement itself. I'd much rather run the risk of a tactical personal set-back at the hands of a sharp, intelligent person, something I would expect I could reverse in time, than to have everything, the whole ball of wax, upturned or destroyed by some flake who loses all better judgment and control.

  The very reason one falls out with persons of limited intelligence usually involves the same lack of vision, imagination, and discipline that will later lead them to tip the balance over from a localized clash to a full-scale disaster, too often involving the System and threatening to destroy or seriously injure BOTH participants.

  It's also hell to try to second-guess an unintelligent person. They are largely unpredictable and are liable to do anything. An intelligent adversary can most of the time be anticipated and, if not, it usually means that he is a jump or two ahead of you himself. He can be expected to fight things with at least the protection, if not the immediate furtherance, of the Cause in mind. A stupid individual won't care. They can see or understand nothing beyond the immediate object of "I'll show you!". How often have we witnessed this in Right Wing dealings? How often have we seen it in personal affairs? And how the Pigs laugh at it all!

  Within the Movement, whenever a person like this is uncovered and proceeds to threaten to disrupt things, he properly should be killed before any damage can be done. If that is not feasible then it is critical to place as much distance between them and the Movement as possible. Same goes for personal dealings as well. Of course, in the long run, it is better to learn how to spot them in advance and never let them penetrate to a level where they can do no good and only harm. In this way we shall forge ourselves into a truly formidable political weapon.

  [Vol. XIII, #7- July, 1984]

  Brief Your People

  As we've said often enough in the past, not everyone is a leader type. Not everyone can be expected to do all the thinking, all the time. If you are working with others, under whatever pretenses, it is a serious mistake to assume they will be able to think things through and make all the right moves under a sudden and stressful situation - such as a police attack - with no preparation. The only best way to prepare for such an event - which you may safely assume WILL occur sooner or later - is by BRIEFING YOUR PEOPLE in advance of any contingency.

  A briefing is just that: it is a going-over, aloud, of only the essential points involved in any specific situation. Only the crucial, critical facts and principles that are known to be involved.

  I personally have worked miracles through the successful use of briefings. A person totally unfamiliar to a given situation can be made to pass as being intimately familiar with it after a thorough briefing. And a thorough, successful briefing should require no more than thirty minutes time, maximum. Anymore than that and you run the risk of confusing your people. At times I have taken people either by car or on foot from place to place while I have briefed them on the essentials and facts (and if there is a fabrication to be made, then that is to be injected after the known, indisputable facts have been introduced and established).

  The key is to remove all confusion and uncertainty. Avoid redundancy and concentrate upon making as many important impressions on the minds of your subjects as possible. Making them acquainted at first hand by sights and motions only aids in making those impressions. Once they grasp the workings and are aware of the facts, then most anything can be added, including extra events and even extra people. This, of course, comes in most handy when prepping or coaching witnesses before appearing under oath.

  When getting ready to head off a possible mess involving the law, as in the case concerning a revolutionary circle l
iving and existing outside of legal bounds, briefings made well in advance of any expected investigation or attack and rehearsed periodically, designed to DELETE certain group activities, are what is required.

  A successful briefing will never involve an attempted recital of a cut-and-dried script. To be credible and, thus, be effective in practical use, whether offensively or defensively, one's given story must flow naturally and show all the characteristics of a normal, relaxed conversation. It must never go in direct contradiction of the known facts but instead merely present an "unknown side" of the story, basically in agreement with all the others. It must never include easily, readily demonstrable lies. Further, when under investigation or attack by any Pig agency of the System, it is of the utmost importance that everyone KEEP THEIR STORIES STRAIGHT! Consistency is one of the most basic keys to successful briefing.

  A shrewd individual will know how to brief his people so that the enemy will provide the cues for the prepared stories or answers. To be really successful at briefing people, you must make them able to recognize dangerous or trick questions when they are asked. Most generally, the appropriate answer will be only too obvious. With practice, all involved will get better. Briefings should properly provide what amounts to "instant experience" in whatever area it is you are going into. It's effect should be of building confidence within, and robbing the enemy of any element of surprise.

  I have done this successfully with groups, with individuals, with the elderly and with very small children. The object is always the same: defeat the Pig.

  [Vol. XIII, #7- July, 1984]

  Cooler Heads